Monday, October 15, 2012

Whole Bodies! 100% intact!

These images below are very similar to many of the photos you first come across when you look at archeology photos on the web.When I stopped to look at what these photos had in common I saw that they were all of mostly intact structures. Do you think finding artifacts this well preserved is common? Do most finds look like this? 

(Link to Photo source)

Do archaeologists find entire bodies? Entire pots? This skull looks perfectly intact!

( link to photo source)

These bodies also don't look like they are missing a thing. Oh just some fat and skin!

(link to photo source)
Looks like it...

Photographs can present any angle or idea that the photographer wants to portray. If they want archaeology to be exciting and eye catching they only focus on the big finds. This was so frustrating when looking at photos. I assume the archaeologists more often find shards and pieces not entire structures. This seems just like lying. 

Choosing what to photograph is just another way to lie.

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